About this blog

Even if the title of the blog is “Vorsatzpapier” (book end paper or just end paper), it has been clear since the planning phase that it will not be limited to that. But since that’s where the inspiration comes from and “Printed patterns on paper” is clearly too long, the title remains. Therefore, this blog will not only present end papers but also various examples of other printed patterns, these can also be wallpapers or similar. Since the idea for this came when it came to a background image for Krähenbeisser.de, this should also be one of the purposes of this blog: to provide high-quality digital copies for further processing. Therefore, all content is provided under a Creative Commons license (attribution - sharing alike).


Tags with less then three occurrences aren’t shown.


This page was generated with [Hugo] (https://gohugo.io/).

An adapted version of Nederburg is used as the theme. Raleway is used as the font.

The post-processing of the digitized images was carried out with ScanTailor Advanced.

OpenLayers is used to display single high resolution images, for books Mirador is used. The tiles were generated with libvips.

The site is hosted by GitHub.

Privacy policy

The privacy policy is available here.


“Vorsatzpapier” is a project by Christian Mahnke.

Contact is possible via E-Mail.